Searching for Love?      


   How to find true love ...

  ... And laugh at our mistakes in the process!

Must-read article 


Why am I still single? 

Of course everybody has psychological reasons why, if they are looking to marry or have a long-term relationship, they are failing. I mean, if you are single and happy you are absolutely on a path to happiness. But, if you are not, if you are lonely, if you long for that deep, nurturing, comforting, supporting companionship, you may be surprised to learn that 3 simple mistakes you may be making are keeping you in the that lonely lane.

The Recluse. It's very appealing, especially if you are guy, to be intellectual, to spend time with your art or with your thoughts. But, if you do this at home then how on Earth can you meet Ms or Mr Right? The only way you can meet someone if you stay at home is if they rob your house or come to deliver food and, come on, what are the chances of those people being your soul mate? So, if you are one who's not into social activities, at the very least you should exercise your intellectual pursuits outside.

Cafes, libraries, parks, art galleries, any such places give you a better chance to meet someone you will actually like interacting with! Better chances than at home! Or, you could sign up to a book club or a meet up group with the same interests as you. There is also, of course, online dating, but you need to make sure you filter out all those cute people you may be attracted to but are completely unsuitable for you!  

The Crowd Lover. Think about it: how approachable are you really if you are always surrounded by friends? The worst mistake is being accompanied by female friends if you're a guy and male friends if you're a girl. Come on! It's like putting the Chinese Wall between you and your potential mate! But, hanging out with your gay friends (if you're a girl) won't help you much either! Go solo! It's better than you think.

Fear of Rejection. If you see someone you like, don't wait forever for them to come to you! Just smile and say something! Look, the worst that can happen is if they smile back and walk away. But if you don't gather the strength to make any move you will run the risk of losing the opportunity altogether. Stop fearing rejection! Put yourself out there!

Following Others. Do not make the cardinal mistake of letting that special person go only because your friends don't like him/her. What if they're not super attractive, or super 'cool', or just not 'trophy wife' or 'trophy husband' material? If there's something about him/her you like, explore the situation more, venture out, go out of your 'safe' parameters. She/he could be the one who truly makes you happy.

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