Searching for Love?      


   How to find true love ...

  ... And laugh at our mistakes in the process!

Must-read article 


If you are serious about searching for love, finding and keeping true love, you may wish to do a little extra reading.  There is plenty of material out there to help you but beware of the quick-fixes.  The only thing that truly helped me is the 'serious stuff'.  But the 'serious material' (don't worry, it's all easy to read) is also what truly changes your life.

The Truth about Love, by Pat Love.  Would be my first choice of books to recommend for anybody who needs to learn the A to Z of love and relatioships, from crush to marriage and beyond.  If you are serious about entering a relationships that WORKS and WILL WORK, and serious about understanding LOVE, this is a great book to read!

Searching for love wisely  The title speaks for itself. This book was given to me by a counselor I was seeing at the time. I never read a page of it until much later on, and as I finally started to read it, I found it very useful. It's particularly useful if you are in a relationship and you need to identify where your emotions are currently, to diagnose them, even. It explains the various stages of a relationship and I would certainly recommend you learn what those are at some point, even together with your boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse. It is so much better when you know already that certain emotions will fade, for example, and why, rather than just be surprised by the change, or disappointed, even, or lost. It's also useful if you are experiencing some challenges in your current relationship, in which case I would definitely recommend reading it together with your partner/spouse. 

 Other recommended 'love help' material:  click here

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